Staff Directory

Administration & Office

Photo of Louise Loh

Louise Loh


Photo of Andrea Ameobi

Andrea Ameobi

Vice Principal

placeholder image for Kailey Myers

Kailey Myers

Administrative Assistant


placeholder image for Tanya Frigault

Tanya Frigault

Music/Grade 2

placeholder image for Debby Gowda

Debby Gowda

Grade 1

placeholder image for Cindy Hewitt

Cindy Hewitt


placeholder image for Jenn Lacombe

Jenn Lacombe

Grade 1

placeholder image for Andre Lalonde

Andre Lalonde

placeholder image for Diane Lee

Diane Lee

placeholder image for JayAnn Leskiw

JayAnn Leskiw


placeholder image for Chelsey McDonald

Chelsey McDonald

Learning Support Lead/Kindergarten (LOGOS)

placeholder image for Harold Melsness

Harold Melsness

Grade 3

placeholder image for Lisa Parra

Lisa Parra

Grade 3 (LOGOS)

placeholder image for Amanda Phillips

Amanda Phillips

Grade 4 Social Studies/French/PE

placeholder image for Allison Plamondon

Allison Plamondon

Grade 1/2 (LOGOS)

placeholder image for Jolene Senych

Jolene Senych

Grade 3

placeholder image for Tina Spenrath

Tina Spenrath

Grade 4 Science/Art

placeholder image for Shannon Stadnyk

Shannon Stadnyk

Grade 2

placeholder image for Candace Striegler

Candace Striegler

Grade 2/3

placeholder image for Cindy Vandervaate

Cindy Vandervaate

Counsellor/Grade 4 Health

placeholder image for Jennifer Woodburn

Jennifer Woodburn

Learning Coach/Strategies/Grade 4 Math

Child Youth Care Worker

placeholder image for Jason Campaigne

Jason Campaigne

placeholder image for Kelsey Russell

Kelsey Russell

placeholder image for Jon Tjostheim

Jon Tjostheim

Support Staff

placeholder image for Rachel Bellaire

Rachel Bellaire


placeholder image for Marci Douaire

Marci Douaire

placeholder image for Patti Ganter

Patti Ganter

placeholder image for Jennifer Gaudet

Jennifer Gaudet

placeholder image for Saleena Haworth

Saleena Haworth

Library Technician

placeholder image for Jacqlyn Hueser

Jacqlyn Hueser

placeholder image for Rhonda Hunt

Rhonda Hunt

placeholder image for Lucille Johnston

Lucille Johnston


placeholder image for Braelynn Kieser

Braelynn Kieser


placeholder image for Jessica LaBelle

Jessica LaBelle

placeholder image for Mindy MacSween

Mindy MacSween

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Shelley Malowany

Shelley Malowany

placeholder image for Kim Morlock

Kim Morlock


placeholder image for Kaytelyne Osberg

Kaytelyne Osberg

placeholder image for Ellisha Warner

Ellisha Warner


placeholder image for Monique Brule

Monique Brule


placeholder image for Alex Fraser

Alex Fraser
